Siberian Token (SIBERIAN)
Siberian is the king of all wolves that are famous for hunting efficiently. Our token & DEX will grow as efficiently as a Siberian Wolf.
Basic Information
Token Symbol: SIBERIAN
Contract Address: 0xE237712E35cc68cbcEA840d542a0F64369AD8e52
Buy Link:
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Supply: Unlimited (Like Pancakeswap)
Owner: MasterChef
MasterChef as owner of SIBERIAN Token:
Transfer Tax
Burn Rate: 3% of transfer tax will be burned immediately
Automatic Liquidity Rate: 3% of transfer tax will be added to the LP pool and locked.
Total Transfer Tax Rate: 6% of every transfer
Emission Rate
100 SIBERIAN / block
Will be reduced furthermore when TVL is big enough, to keep the price stable and protect investors
Approximately 2,880,000 SIBERIAN / day will be available to farm
9.09% to the dev team to ensure essential growth of the project
If you would like to see all contracts, go to "contracts" section
Last updated
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